By creating this new asset class, and a new technology to identify, organize, and benchmark such real estate assets, E³SG Realty Investments is developing a national pipeline of potential investments and deal flow that is not sourced by or available to other managers. As a new entity in the space, our capital-raising strategy therefore focuses first on the potential for strong returns, alignment of ESG interests, and clearly identified ESG opportunities, and second on the sponsor’s sustainability history and experience.
For this first fund, the amount of equity capital to be raised, including organizational fees, is set at a minimum of $25M and a maximum of $50M. The Fund intends to use leverage to create the total pool for investing, combining the Fund’s equity capital with various types and sources of debt capital. In terms of execution strategy, this fund size is deemed to provide the most appropriate balance between potential deal flow, timing and staging of LP’s pay-in, and generation of sustainable, preferred returns for the LP’s.
Organizational costs, which the sponsor will carry during the formation period, are estimated at about $400,000. These include formation costs for the legal entity or entities, filing fees, accounting fees, regulatory brokerage costs, clearing costs and the cost of producing marketing documents. We are currently generating a partnership agreement; offering and subscription documents; securing investment opportunities; and securing loans and other financing. We are also preparing the infrastructure to manage the fund and operate the properties.
Certain aspects of the technological platform – related to digitization and automation of document preparation and execution, underwriting, and closing – are already available in the marketplace or will be engineered in the near term. As such, LPs can expect a high level of transparency and a regular, organized, and consistent reporting structure.
This investment fund strategy is unique in the marketplace and provides a strong point of differentiation. As a start-up, with the E³SG Realty Technologies platform still in development, with more data being analyzed every day, certain of the investment properties are yet to be identified and we have reserved a 30% “blind pool” aspect to our current offering. However, on a manual basis, our data, brokerage, and investment analytical teams have identified (cherry-picked) the best of the currently available specific investments that meet the high impact definition, and those assets are included in the Fund’s offering memorandum, representing 70% of the total acquisition opportunity.